Microscopic examination
What is meant by microscopic examination of urine sediment examination of urine. This skelter to find abnormalities in the kidneys and urinary tract and the severity of the disease. Urine is used as a fresh urine or urine collected with formalin preservative. Examination of sediment carried out using a small objective lens (10X) called small field of vision or LPK. Also use a large objective lens (40X), which is called the field of vision or LPB. The number of reported significant element of sediments in semi quantitative, ie the average amount per HCW for the cylinder and a subbase for erythrocytes and leukocytes. Sediments are less meaningful element such as epithelial or crystal is reported by + (present), + + (numerous) and + + + (numerous). Typically the elements of sediment was divided into two groups, namely the organic elements and not organic. Organic element derived from something other organ or tissue between the epithelium, erythrocytes, leukocytes, cylinders, pieces of tissue, sperm, bacteria, parasites and that is not organic does not come from something the organ or tissue. Such as amorphous and crystalline uric
Erythrocytes or leukocytes in urine sediment may be present in the urine of menstruating women or come from kernih channel. In normal circumstances not found erythrocytes in urine sediment, whereas leukocyte there are only 0 - 5/LPK and in women may also be due to contamination of the genitalia. The presence of erythrocytes in the urine is called hematuria. Haematuria can be caused by bleeding in the urinary tract, such as renal infarction, nephrolithiasis, urinary tract infection and the disease with hemorrhagic diatesa. The presence of leukocytes in large quantities in the urine called piuria. This situation is frequently encountered in urinary tract infection or contamination with vaginal secretions in patients with fluorine lobes.
Cylinders are protein deposits that formed within the renal tubules, has a matrix of glycoproteins (Tamm Horsfall protein) and sometimes the surface there are leukocytes, erythrocytes and epithelial. Cylinder formation is influenced by various factors such as osmolality, volume,pH and the presence of glycoproteins secreted by the kidney tubule. Known for a variety of cylinders associated with severity of kidney disease. Many researchers agree that under normal circumstances can be found a bit of erythrocytes, leucocytes and hyaline cylinders. The presence of such mobile cylinder cylinder leucocytes, erythrocyte cylinders, cylindrical epithelium and Sunder grained always indicate a serious illness. Pyelonephritis can be found on leucocytes and the cylinder can be found in acute glomerulonephritis cylinder erythrocytes. While in kidney disease running information obtained grained cylinder and wax cylinders.
Crystals in the urine there was no relationshipdirectly with stones in the urinary tract. Uric acid crystals, calcium oxalate, triple phosphate crystals and amorphous material is often found in sediments and has no meaning, because the crystals are the result of normal metabolism. The presence of these elements depending on the type of food, plenty of food, metabolic rate and concentration of urine. Besides, other crystals may be obtained from drugs or other crystals such as tyrosine crystals, crystal leucin.
Epithelium is an element of organic sediment that normally found in urine sediment. In pathological conditions this can increase the number of epithelial, motorbike that RTI in infection, inflammation and stones in the urinary tract. In nephrotic syndrome in the urine sediment may be obtained oval fat bodies. This is a kidney tubule epithelial has undergone fatty degeneration, can be viewed by using the dye Sudan III / IV or examined using polarizing microscope